Example Usage

aidjango is meant to make it as easy as possible to integrate async view handlers into any Django project. This is handled by auto-discovering coroutine views from the URL configuration. The project defines it’s views as normal and aiodjango takes care of the rest.

Defining an Async View

Any coroutine view will be handled by the aiohttp application but they can be defined normally along with your other views.

# views.py
import asyncio

from aiohttp import web

def async(request):
    return web.Response(text='Hello World')

This would then be attached to a URL pattern as normal.

# urls.py
from django.core.urls import url

from .views import async

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^hello/$', async, name='async-hello'),

aiohttp routing expects the leading slash to be included in any pattern but aiodjango takes care of this for you.

There is a large difference in how aiohttp and Django handle variables in the URL path. While Django breaks these up into args passed to the view function, aiohttp does not and makes that information available on the request.match_info dictionary. As such, all coroutine callbacks should only take a single request argument even if there variables in the path.

Defining the Application

To run both the aiohttp application and the original WSGI application, a combined application is created. This would be done in the project’s wsgi.py.

# wsgi.py
import os

from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application

from aiodjango import get_aio_application

os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'example.settings')

# Build WSGI application
# Any WSGI middleware would be added here
application = get_wsgi_application()

# Build aiohttp application
app = get_aio_application(application)

The end result is a runable aiohttp application so it is recommened that this be named something other than the original WSGI application to not throw off the WSGI_APPLICATION setting.

Running the Application

Adding aiodjango to your INSTALLED_APPS with override the build-in runserver command for running for local development. If you are also using django.contrib.staticfiles you should be sure to include aiodjango above django.contrib.staticfiles in the INSTALLED_APPS list for this to take effect.

Outside of local development you can use Gunicorn to run the application using the aiohttp worker class.

(example) $ gunicorn example.wsgi:app --worker-class aiohttp.worker.GunicornWebWorker

Here example is the name of the project and the virtualenv. The app is defined in the example/wsgi.py as in the previous example. For more information you can see the aiohttp docs on deployment.


While this might seem too good to be true there are a few caveats. First, is that the URL patterns are implicitly reordered when the aiohttp is created to wrap the WSGI application. All of the coroutine patterns are lifted out and will be matched first before falling back to the WSGI views. Second, the URL patterns only allow for named groups and don’t currently support positional regex grouping. Finally, it should be noted that the request passed to the coroutine callbacks is an instance of aiohttp.web.Request not a Django request object. These views should return aiohttp.web.Response instances as well. This isn’t about making Django async. This is a compatibility shim between Django and aiohttp. To fully take advantage of this you’ll need to learn the aiohttp APIs and use additional aio libraries for non-blocking I/O.